World Map with Time Zone

December 12, 2022
World Map with Time Zone

What do you know about the world map?

Everyone has at least once seen the world map, the one that includes the entire surface of the Earth.

Whether it was about geography lessons at school or simply because he is passionate about this field. However, most of us have never tried to find out more information about it.

Here we intervene, with some data that you might find interesting and that we invite you to read in the lines below.

More types of maps

As you probably already know, there are several types of such documents, the globe map.

The political one is the best known of them, and most people have it in mind when they think of the world map.

It is the one that underlines the borders between countries, while a physical globe map refers to geographical features.

There are also geological maps, choroplethic maps and many others.

The timezone world map is also very appreciated, especially by those who travel a lot outside the country’s borders and who want to know what time it is where they are going.

The physical map of the world, how you interpret it

But not about what the timezone world map entails, we decided to detail things a little – although it is a very fascinating one, but about the physical one.

Let’s try together to see what information we can “read” with its help.

First of all, they are meant to show the natural characteristics of the Earth.

Also, they are very easy to recognize because many colors are used for this purpose, and the palette of shades is very rich, starting from gray, green and ending with a dark brown.

What does the color green represent on the physical map of the Earth

Most likely, in your mind you associate green on a map with the plain area.

Specialists in the field tell us that this is not how this color should be interpreted on a physical map, it represents the height of the land relative to sea level.

That’s why we have several shades of green and even bronze.

The meaning of each shade of green should be written on the key of the map, so that you can understand if we are talking about a higher or lower altitude.

Blue for waters

There was already no need to make this clarification, because everyone knew that, didn’t they?

Any water on the world map is represented by this color, and just like above, a dark blue means that we are dealing with great depths, and vice versa.

As for the glaciers and ice caps, this time it was decided to use the color white, for easy to understand reasons.

What other information can you read on a physical map of the world

Also on these physical maps of the Earth you can also read other important information, such as the borders between two countries or other important delimitations located even inside a country.

The most important cities and roads are marked on these maps, some on which you will not find information about the touristic or cultural sights of the area.